The Ruckman Family Prayer Letter – March & April 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

Psalm 103:1 says, “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” In the last two months, so many prayer requests have been answered that all we can do is “bless the LORD”. In fact, I think this will be more of a praise letter than a prayer letter.

Family Praises:

  • Angie has been cancer-free for one year. I am so thankful to still have “my Angie”. What a blessing to be “heirs together of the grace of life” as we continue serving the On Mother’s Day, we were able to Face-Time our sons/daughters-in-law and enjoy the evening in simultaneous family conversation. We miss our kids greatly but are so thankful for modern technology.
  • Jimmy & Tori are going to have a baby GIRL in October! Yes, we are excited!
  • Jesse & Leah are “abounding in the work of the Lord” in our home
  • Micaiah is taking a mission trip this week to seek direction concerning the Lord’s

There truly is no greater joy than knowing that all of our children are faithfully serving the Lord.

Ministry Praises:

  • We have had the privilege of seeing eleven souls saved since The most notable was an older Muslim man who renounced Islam and embraced Christ.
  • The church in Apremdo was able to hold its first service in their own building on Resurrection Sunday. Three churches were represented with 145 in attendance. What a blessing it was to baptize nine believers from these
  • We prepared the land and set up the gospel tent in Agona Nkwanta. (The church outgrew the pastor’s house.) Several have been saved there in the last three Additionally, the Lord just provided $15,000 to construct a permanent building on an existing foundation for this church. God is so good!
  • God provided us with a beautiful 2011 Toyota Hilux (50,000 miles) in excellent condition. This strong vehicle should serve us many years in city and bush ministry.
  • The Bible Institute concluded its spring semester last What a blessing it is to observe the spiritual development these students as they prepare for ministry.


We are focused on learning the Fantse dialect while teaching in the Bible Institute and helping our three church-plants. We have also been helping a struggling church on Wednesday nights. Angie and I continue to pray about where God would have us plant our next church. When it comes to ministry, I feel like a kid in a candy store: there are so many opportunities to witness and many villages without a gospel-preaching church. Please help us pray for God’s perfect will.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and faithful support of our family and ministry. May God bless each of you as you faithfully labor in your part of His harvest.

Your Missionaries,
James & Angie


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