The Ruckman Family Prayer Letter July – August 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

Romans 15:20-21 says “Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation: But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand.” While these verses reveal the Apostle Paul’s testimony, they are my calling. Since 1998, the Lord has allowed Angie and I to be church-planting missionaries. For twenty-three years, we have preached Christ and planted churches in obedience to His calling. Now, as we ready ourselves to move back to Ghana and start the process all over again, we are excited! We are anticipating souls who will be saved, families who will be transformed, people who will be discipled, men who will be trained, and long-term churches which will be planted. Jesus said in John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” We are grateful that God has chosen and ordained Angie and I to go and bring forth fruit that remains for the glory of God.

While there are still many needs that we are praying for, God has proven that “whatsoever (we) ask of the Father in (Christ’s) name, He (will) give it (to us).” As we prepare to move back to Africa, God has provided our airfare, a language teacher, and about half the cost of our container. He is continuing to provide furniture, household goods, medical and ministry supplies for which we are grateful! I feel like we are a living testimony of Psalms 68:19: “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.”

The Lord also blessed as I travelled to Ghana in August in preparation for our return. God answered EVERY prayer from three negative Covid tests to fulfilling our objectives for the trip, including our “securing” a house to rent for the first year. Additionally, we were able to see thirty concrete pillars poured for the church building in Apremdo; meet with our Bible Institute to begin the Fall semester; and purchase another plot of land in the village (small city) of Kojokrom for another church-plant. We are so thankful for every individual, family, and church that has given to our personal needs as well as our church-planting ministry (The Hope of Africa Baptist Ministry).

On October 15th, our oldest son, Jimmy, will be getting married to Tori Ledbetter at Calvary Baptist Tabernacle in Newport, Tennessee. We are happy that the Lord is giving Jimmy a godly young lady, and, doubly thankful that we are getting another daughter-in-law. Jesse and Leah are enjoying their newly married life and have joined our home church, Eastside Baptist Church. Micaiah continues to faithfully serve the Lord at our latest church-plant, Falls International Baptist Church. Angie is grateful for your continued prayers for her health as she has mostly recovered from her surgery.

Last week, Brother Keith Shumaker and I were able to host a church-planting missions training camp in Roanoke, AL. The Lord blessed as several veteran church-planting missionaries taught nineteen much needed sessions designed to help new missionaries understand the “nuts and bolts” of church-planting. Brother Duane Moore brought a tremendous message each night centered around our fruitfulness as we “abide in Christ”. One missionary said, “I wish I would have heard all this before going to the field five years ago.” God truly blessed the camp. We are anticipating another such camp in the future.

Your missionaries to West Africa,

James & Angie Ruckman


Download the prayer letter here.

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