Ruckman Family Prayer Letter May – June 2017

Dear Praying Friends, May – June 2017

Greetings in the lovely Name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support of our family. We continue to move forward at a very busy pace, and are happy to report that our support level is at 38%. In the words of Ezra, “the good hand of our God (is) upon us”. Our deputation schedule is booked solidly through December, and our current goal is finish deputation by April of 2018. In addition to presenting our church planting ministry, the Lord has opened doors for us to preach several mission conferences and revival meetings throughout the next year.

Foreign Mission Update

Angie and I are anticipating traveling to West Africa on June 28th. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we rent a canopy and chairs to preach in the seaside village of Shama. I have an intense burden to see an Independent Baptist church planted there by the grace of God. We also look forward to preaching in the villages of Amanful and Funko. On Sunday, July 2nd, we will preach “African Sunday” for Pastor Dare’ and the Independent Bible Baptist Church. I desire to work very closely with this pastor in future endeavors as we attempt to plant churches in Ghana. From there, we will visit with several missionaries as we travel by vehicle through Ghana, and eventually into Burkina Faso. The highlight of our trip will be working with Brother Keith Shumaker in Burkina Faso. In addition to other ministry opportunities, we will have the opportunity to teach a pastor’s seminar there for three days. Throughout the entire trip, Angie will have opportunities to teach ladies and children. We are expecting great things from God as we attempt great things for Him. We will return home on July 14th.

Home Mission Update

We continue to seek God’s face as we prepare to plant an international church among the African immigrants within Sioux Falls, SD next year. We are praying already that God’s Spirit would go before us and prepare hearts for the preaching of God’s Word. We also are praying for the leadership of the Lord concerning both a place for our family to live and a place for a new church to meet.

We are fervently praying for God’s blessing upon our evangelistic meeting in “Little Africa” within St. Paul, MN on August 6th – 9th. We will be assisting Pastor John Bruski and the Northland Baptist Church as they try to reach the immigrant community in their locality. We are praying specifically that God would save some Somalian Muslims during that meeting. Did you know that 36,000 Muslims enter into a Christ-less eternity every 24 hours? We NEED to reach them with the gospel! We must view the crescent through the Cross; Muslims through the eyes of Jesus Christ.

Family News

Angie has finished schooling the boys for the year and is looking forward to summer break. We still miss Jimmy, but are very thankful that he is serving the Lord in Tennessee as he continues to prepare for the will of God for his life. Jesse is driving right now and is a great blessing with the workload of deputation. Micaiah’s shunts are working well at present and we thank the Lord that his overall health is improving. Thank-you so much for your continued prayers for our family.

Because of Calvary,

The James Ruckman Family

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